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Acton Central Ward Forum

Wed, 3/4/2020

The next, and possibly the last because the council intends to stop having them, Ward Forum is set for
Wednesday 4 March 2020 from 7pm - 9pm at St Mary's Church Hall, 1 The Mount, Acton High Street, London, W3 9NW

The published agenda is:
Councillors: Sarah Rooney (Chair), Daniel Crawford and Abdullah Gulaid
1. 7pm Welcome and introductions
2. 7.05pm Requests for ‘Any Other Business’ items
3. 7.07pm Local policing update from the Safer Neighbourhoods team
4. 7.20pm Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)
5. 7.30pm Ward priorities:
- air pollution
- transport
- public health

6. 7.45pm Acton Central ward budget
- A Cinema for Acton
- Acton Notebook/ Acton Unframed
- update on ward projects in progress
- new proposals for the budget

7. 8.15pm Any Other Business
- pre-arranged items at the beginning of the meeting that are not covered in the agenda

9pm Meeting close

Official details at