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The Acton Arts Project continues their work to bring the old library back to life.

Today Acton Arts project has made a big announcement regarding the conversion of the old library on Acton High Street into a new public venue with a 2 screen

A lease holder of Oakley House (Oakley Avenue, W5 3SB) has been in touch to highlight concerns about the proposed installation of 5G telecomms masts (and rel

We received a call for help from a local resident following an attack in Perryn Road, Shaa Road area.

Below is a copy of a letter from office of Rupa Huq MP to the Ealing Council case officer who is handling the application to bring the old library in Acton b

Residents around Perryn Road, Shaa Road and other properties backing onto the ex allotments behind Goldsmiths Almshouses are concerned about a new planning a

Update 16-Jul-2020:
Had a notification from the council that the application has been withdrawn.

We do not have many large meeting and event spaces that are open to the public in Acton. However, there is one in the centre of Ealing - Victoria Hall.